"Deep within this extraordinary fungal forest, we encounter one of nature's most peculiar paradoxes: Psylostabb the Shroombane. Here, amidst the psychedelic spores, this remarkable runtling performs what can only be described as an unartistic dance of destruction, weaving in a breeze that exists solely in his significantly altered mind." "To Psylostabb's spore-addled perception, every object presents a potential fungal menace. Observe now, as he launches a valiant attack against what he believes to be a particularly aggressive mushroom, but is, in fact, merely another runtling unfortunate enough to be wearing a broad-brimmed hat. His unwavering commitment to this self-imposed mission is truly quite remarkable, though his execution suggests that evolution has perhaps taken a rather scenic route with this particular specimen." -ALDRAR THE WONDEROUS
I am sure that it is not an exaggeration to say, everyone loves little goblinoid gits, and Kev Adams is the master of these little runts. Full of twisted childish mischief, these little guys can be added to large bases as runtling hordes, atop ramshackle war machines to throw small weapons and choices at (friend and) foe, decorate your character or monster bases, or even be fired by some form of teleporter gun.